/ONE: Tyre Serum, a tyre conditioner
"I really like the finish it applies to the tyre, like a satin finish, almost like a new looking tyre" - David McBay
/THREE: Ceramic Sealant, how to apply CS
Paul Dolden Details YouTube channel has been voted as one of the best detailing channels on YouTube. Honest reviews with light hearted humour is the order of the day.
"So the Metro looks really really good but i gotta say to you it looked better two days after! The next day was good but even after that, it just richens...the gloss levels are absolutely mind blowing"on that car" - Paul Dolden
/ZERO: DECON SHAMPOO, a heavily contaminated BMW
"I love the fact you can use one chemical to do the wheels, the pre-wash and the shampoo...If you are a weekend warrior, valeter or detailer this is going to save you a lot of time" - Paul Dolden
/ONE: CAR AND WHEEL SHAMPOO on a very well used Land Rover Discovery.
"How did the products perform on the day...The ZERO shampoo used as a snowfoam as it were, a prewash performed very very well" ..."The ONE shampoo on the body (/ONE: Car Shampoo) really really good stuff this, this is right up with Gyeon and a few other leading manufacturers. Its very very high in lubricants and incredibly foamy...watch your dilution ratios"
"The Wheel shampoo with the IK pump sprayer, very very good stuff this...If you got polished rims, show rims and you dont want to go too harsh then use this one, if you got protection on there it wont degrade the protection" - Paul Dolden
/TWO: Quick Detailer, first ever review on YouTube.
OCD is a UK based detailing channel that is fastly becoming popular. Honest review, with real world experiences delivered in a genuine likeable package for our viewing pleasure.
"That is as slick as anything I have ever used, that truly is as slick as anything I've ever used, fantastic drying aid...How would I describe that honestly, if anyone has used a better quick detailer than that, they need to let me know because that was brilliant, I loved it....It's got so much lubrication, its slick, it smells nice, it glosses, it breaks down the surface tension and beads like you saw...its got everything you want in a quick detailer" - Martin Harman
/ZERO: DECON SHAMPOO, a decon wash before new protection.
"Pretty successful, that's definitely something I would recommend. If you want to decon your car, get the in-ground dirt on the car or strip the wax and sealant off the body work. To me, from what I can see from it looks pretty successful....Yea I recommend it, if you want to decon your car give this stuff a try." - Martin Harman
/ONE: CAR AND WHEEL SHAMPOO, another great review!
"Garage Therapy /ONE: Car Shampoo...Its great! I mean if you guys have not tried Garage Therapy One Car and Wheel shampoo, you don't know what you are missing. In my opinion, it has to be one of the best shampoos on the market. The Car Shampoo is fantastic, its slick, its got lots of lubricant, it suds right to the end and its exactly the same with the One Wheel Shampoo" - Martin Harman
Garage Therapy's Shampoos, serious about detailing!?
"All I will say about the range of Garage Therapy Shampoo's...when I first heard about it on Paul's video I thought why I earth would someone make three different types of shampoos. Once you have used them you realise that's actually a very sharp thing to do....If you love your car you will have these on your shelf, if you are a serious enthusiast you will have this on your shelf, if you don't then you are not serious about detailing" - Martin Harman
/TWO: Quick Detailer, a pure detailer?
"So what did I think? I am actually really really impressed with this. Compared to some other detailing sprays, it works differently because its adds a slickness that I haven't really felt in other detailing sprays before...Absolutely fantastic product, really really pleased with that, great smell, great spray trigger...excellent product" - Craig
/ZERO: DECON SHAMPOO, a forensic in depth review!
The Forensic Detailing channel is widely regarded as the worlds best detailing product review channel. Utilising highly sophisticated tools and testing methods to put any product through its paces, Jon at Forensic detailing was keen to put our products through their paces.
"The argument is if you can take contamination off as part of the wash phase and get as much protection off as you can there is going to be some benefit there...I was interested in buying it to actually use it and so far got no real negatives with it. Its rinse-able, it works." - Jon Delieu
"Overall winner of this test is the Garage Therapy." - Jon Delieu